Build A Restful Api With Flask, Mongodb, And Python

This presents a problem once clients can delete items from the datastore. I want to welcome you to a beautiful article on creating a REST API using Flask. In one of our previous articles, we have learned the basics of Flask and how to set it. We have made one complete end-end machine learning project with Flask. But people have many doubts about REST API, how can we create it for a different use case, or perform some task like validation, converting code, etc. In this tutorial, we will practically learn to create Flask API and make working our REST APIs more powerful.

Whatever class we define, we define the route to it using add resource method and on which route we have to call it. REST API stands for Restful API that allows integrating applications or interaction with RESTful web services. It is now growing as the most common method for connecting components in a microservice architecture. APIs will enable you to get or send data to a website and build simple restful api with python and flask part 1 perform some action to get your task done over a web service. Each website uses different types of API, like stock market trading websites integrating with Sensex or Nifty to get a current price and ups-down. Ticket booking apps use a desired single portal API to keep updated data at a familiar interface. I am passionate about developing highly scalable, resilient applications.

Designing A Simple Web Service

Each row represents one book that won the Hugo award in the year under the published heading, and the text of which begins with the sentence in the first_sentence column. # A route to return all of the available entries in our catalog. # Create some test data for our catalog in the form of a list of dictionaries.

build simple restful api with python and flask part 1

Since we have three different items we will request from the user, parser organizes and distributes these items to their places. Then on the third and fourth line we create our REST API app. “This route is currently not supported. Please refer API documentation.” We recommend to handle page not found request with informative message to the user. We will return the user details if the search criteria is provided else we would try to return all the documents if exists else we would return an empty array.

This means we can later package the app into a Docker container much easier, among other benefits. At the end of the day, there are a lot of options for building APIs in Python, with FASTAPI being one of the frontrunners. Creating APIs for smaller parts of a large software solution makes sense because it makes it easier to debug the code in the event any errors are found. We’ve decided to check the requested method and put the code to complete the task inside the respective conditional blocks.

How Does Flask Relate To The Pallets Projects?

Here we create a new file, and I will show you by creating two decorators. So in the first one, we are making the external time function which returns the code execution time. We import the wrap decorator applied to the wrapper function from thefunctools module(standard module for higher-order python functions). It updates the wrapped function by copying all its arguments. Like other mainstream programming languages, Python also has the concept of modules to enable developers to organize source code according to subjects/functionalities.

All the examples will be for a similar API that manages a collection of countries. The responses above work well when everything goes as planned, but what happens if there’s a problem with the request? In the next section, you’ll look at how your REST API should respond when errors occur. This response also includes a copy of the new car with an id generated by the API. It’s important to send back an id in the response so that the user can modify the resource again. Next up, you’ll use requests.patch() to modify the value of a specific field on an existing todo. PATCH differs from PUT in that it doesn’t completely replace the existing resource.

  • Now that you’ve created an application to work with, you need to tell Django about it.
  • In the code above, get_countries() takes countries, which is a Python list, and converts it to JSON with jsonify().
  • In this section, you add code to filter the list endpoint using a specific date range.

This function allows us to return 404 pages when something goes wrong in the application. Without documentation, even the best-designed API will be unusable. You should have a section for each resource that describes which fields, such as id or title, it accepts. Each section should have an example in the form of a sample HTTP request or block of code. Another way to plan for your API’s future is to add a version number to the path. This way, applications and scripts built using the old version of your API won’t cease to function after your upgrade.

What Is A Rest Api?

This function will search the database to get all the shipments. We’ll use Flask-SQLAlchemyto create and manage our database model. We need to install the required dependencies and set them up appropriately to work with Flask.

  • Enter the username and password you have used and then hit GET request to get the desired result.
  • It’s just a matter of defining another port on the host, or even another host.
  • Flask provides a solid backbone for your applications while leaving many design choices up to you.
  • The first step you’ll take as you build a REST API is to identify the resources the API will manage.

So, we need to create more routes, which will add more functionality to our API. Since we’re not using any database, let’s go with a dictionary for each item, combined in a list for the whole menu. The orders list will be empty for now, since nothing has been ordered yet. Routes are the paths or URLs through which users can interact with an API. In the event you were going to ask the waiter to show you the menu, you might use a route called /showmenu for the task. The PUT method is similar to the POST method; the only difference is that the result stays the same when the same resource is passed.

Creating A Restful Endpoint With Flask

REST stands for representational state transfer and is a software architecture style that defines a pattern for client and server communications over a network. REST provides a set of constraints for software architecture to promote performance, scalability, simplicity, and reliability in the system. By using Python and REST APIs, you can retrieve, parse, update, and manipulate the data provided by any web service you’re interested in. If you are looking for information on a specific function, class or method, this part of the documentation is for you.

  • At this point, we’ve basically installed Flask and its related packages for building the API.
  • We will make use of Flask-RESTful package, a set of tools that help us to construct a RESTful routes with object-oriented design.
  • It will also take additional query parameters, allowing users to filter by fields other than ID.
  • Some of the most popular REST APIs available to work with are available from Twitter, Instagram, Spotify etc.
  • It returns the decoded Access Token, which is a JSON Web Token .

To get started learning these concepts and more, check out Educative’s course Build a REST API Using Python and Deploy it to Microsoft Azure. In this course, you’ll learn how to build a REST API in Python using FastAPI and deploy you API on Microsoft Azure. By the end, you’ll be able to implement FastAPI into your own projects. Now that authenticated users can create a new device and get an API key, we can create Flask endpoints that allow authentication only with the API key, instead of a JWT . In Flask the routes are generally set with decorators, in which we will pass the REST methods as parameters . In another project create a file called in which we’ll export Flask to create an instance of it. In the first class, we first check if the user wants to get or delete a movie because if the movie doesn’t exist then the app will give an exception.

It only modifies the values set in the JSON sent with the request. To update a resource, you send a PUT request with a request body to the URL of the record you want to update. To achieve this you, use a similar tactic to the one you used in the previous section. Still, your manager will ask you to write a Unit-test code for REST API because it is essential to identify the common bugs from your API and help secure production.

Rest Apis

With these options set, curl sends JSON data in a POST request with the Content-Type header set to application/json. The REST API returns 201 CREATED along with the JSON for the new country you added.

build simple restful api with python and flask part 1

Successful PUT requests will always return 200 instead of 201 because you aren’t creating a new resource but just updating an existing one. In this code, you add a headers dictionary that contains a single header Content-Type set to application/json. This tells the REST API that you’re sending JSON data with the request. Update the file’s in_memory_datastore dictionary with a few more programming language entries. Increasing the size of the datastore provides you with more data to filter. In this section, you add code to filter the list endpoint using a specific date range.

Define Your Endpoints

As I mentioned in the beginning of the article, Flask is very customizable with tons of add-ons and libraries. So I want to emphasize that you shouldn’t let the simplicity mislead you because you can extend your development to complex levels with Flask. In the second class we have get; which returns all the movies. And post; which adds the new movie by incrementing the id by 1 automatically. Creating a RESTful API with Flask Framework is flexible and customizable with so many add-ons.

build simple restful api with python and flask part 1

We also imported Auth from .shared.Authentication, we use Auth to generate user’s token and it will be use later to decode user’s token. The Manager class keeps track of all the commands and handles how they are called from the command line.

It works perfectly with any app, regardless of framework, and has plugins to log additional context from Redux, Vuex, and @ngrx/store. Next, we’ll add the API documentation yaml file, which will contain the entire route for our application. Next, set up a configuration file, where we’ll set up the basic application requirement. We’ll plug in a SQLite database and set up Connexion with Flask. For starters, a real web service should be backed by a real database.

Static Files

Flask-Boilerplateprovides another starting project with sign up, log in and password reset. Flask Foundation is a starting point for new Flask projects. There’s also acompanion website for the project that explains what extensions the base project includes. Unit Testing Your Twilio App Using Python’s Flask and Nosecovers integrating the Twilio API into a Flask application and how to test that functionality with nose. How I Structure My Flask Applicationwalks through how this developer organizes the components and architecture for his Flask applications. Microservices with Docker, Flask, and Reactis an awesome course for beyond-the-basics work with Flask. There are a couple of free chapters and the rest of the course is well worth paying for to learn a bunch of valuable tools such as Docker,React and microservices architectures.

Dockerizing Flask Applications

We’ll also use a variety of flags to specify the requested HTTP method, the type of content we want to send, and the content we’re going to send, among other things. The POST method is generally used to send data to a server, which is then used to update or create resources. In the restaurant, POST occurs when we choose items and give our order to the waiter. We can also change the quantity of any item ordered if we so choose. After the program has been initialized, the next step is to write the code for the endpoints that will allow us to consume the APIs.

Get Started With Twilio Video Part 1: Creating A Server With Python

Then, we also instantiate it in posts_schema and post_schema. For learning purposes, I’m going to use SQLite, a small SQL database implementation which very easy to get up and running. Keep in mind that you might want to consider a more reliable database like PostgreSQL or MySQL in production environment. I have published the finished project of this tutorial on my GitHub, you can check it out here or clone it into your machine by running the command below.

Now that we have the foundational knowledge of APIs, requests, and responses, we can begin building an API ourselves. APIs are the intermediary layer that allows applications to communicate with each other. To follow this guide, you’ll need basic experience with Python and working with data structures such as lists and dictionaries. This guide will use Pipenv for the development environment, but you’re free to use any virtual environment library you’re most comfortable with .

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